Thursday, September 1, 2011

2 months old!

Hi Everyone!

Well, in 2 days Callum will be 2 months old! Alot has happened in the last 2 months....what a big change it is to have a baby in the house!

Callum is waking up around 3 times a night now, he sleeps for around 3-4 hours at a time. It's amazing how your body gets used to broken/lack of sleep though, I can honestly say that I haven't been as tired as I thought I would be. He's just started practicing his smiles and just yesterday rolled over!

Everyone is completely in love with our little man-I must get stopped 30 times a day by people commenting on his cuteness :) Tommy is having a bit of a period of adjustment to not being an 'only child', but he sure does love his baby!

Callum is being exclusively breastfed now, we were supplementing occasionally with formula but now we don't need it. We're also going to be slowly easing Cal into cloth diapers as I hate the amount of garbage we're generating with the disposables. I've been really lucky to find a friend in my complex, Emily, who is a doula and makes natural products (she has a website Cal was having allergic reactions to his baby shampoo (Johnson's) and since I switched to her products his skin has been great! Everything with a baby is a major learning curve but it's neat how fast your confidence grows with each day.

Now on to the good stuff, pictures!

The Andersons <3

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