Sunday, April 18, 2010

Garden Odds and Ends

This year we are starting our first garden! I come from a long line of expert gardeners in my family but my skills are somewhat non existent (I'm hoping that's just from lack of practice:)

We have a nice deck at our place that gets a LOT of sun so we are hoping our garden will be a success. We're planning on mostly growing edibles (lots of veggies, fruit and herbs) with a few types of flowers for a nice aesthetic.

Our first trip to Garden Works was a shock when I discovered how much those fancy cedar planter boxes cost!! Luckily I have a very handy husband who has made some beautiful planters out of old pallet jacks at his warehouse-throw some stain on them and they look great! We're also going to be checking out craigslist alot(like i need an excuse) if we want to get some nice pots/lattice etc.

So what we've started doing is germinating some seeds indoors to get them started. What we have so far is marjoram, dill, rosemary, chevril and parsley for the herbs, and corn, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and squash for the veggies:)

They've been germinating for a few days now and just today my zucchini is starting to sprout, how exciting!

I'll update more later with how our garden on the cheap is coming along...with pictures!

Meagan, Shawn and 'The Gang'