Thursday, November 19, 2009

Our Family

Our life revolves around our animals so here's some photos of them! We have 2 cats (mom and daughter), Sammy and Jelly (1.5 and 1yr respectively), Tommy our dog, and our lovebird Ms Peeps! They all keep us very busy and are a total joy (most of the time:)
Everyone's enjoying a quiet night at home, it's still raining...!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monsoon Season

Well it's raining like the world is ending right now. Freezing rain with lots of wind, very dramatic. I love when weather is very emotional and just beats the crap out of Vancouver. As long as there's no major property damage it's fun to see what nature can do to shake up our spoiled city:)

Home now, picked up our new roommate, did a kitten dropoff, cleaned the house (sort of). Time to unplug my brain and eat yummy dinner courtesy of Shawn.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New roommate and I don't know what to do with the Plecostomus(sp?)

Since 2007 Shawn and I have been renting our spare 2 rooms in our townhouse. So far it's been Greg, Henry, Brandon, Peter, Angela, Daniel, and now Jhe.

I would say pretty much all of them have been great, mostly keeping to themselves. Everyone except for Angela and Daniel were students so the max they stayed with us was 6 months.
Throughout the whole process (up until now) the only major damage was when Henry didn't realize that hot cast iron frying pans should not be left on the kitchen counter. The result of this was a huge laminate blister which immediately formed and had to be cut out of the countertop. Shawn didn't like Henry.

Greg was a cute kid from Kelowna who's mom sent us a bottle of wine when he left. Brandon would randomly come and go and sometimes pay the rent. Henry was a sweet, sheltered kid who had no life skills and still calls us for rides occasionally. Peter was an Australian Christian youth minister who travelled the world. Angela is my sister who's previous landlord was a jackass. Daniel is a spoken word artist. Jhe is about to move in.....he's a tattoo artist.

It's definitley stressful renting and living with people. Boundaries are an issue, food/cleanliness/hygiene are an issue. I don't want to live with creepy people but I also do a lot of my posting for tenants on craigslist:P For us the money we make off of the rentals makes it worth it, but there are times that i wish i could just walk around naked again!

Hopefully Jhe will settle in well, and hopefully I can find a home for the Plecostomus my sister left in the room because I keep forgetting to feed it!


Monday, November 16, 2009

First Post...testing

Today is the birth of our first blog...Copper Dog! The title character in question is our dog Tommy-a 3 year old Doberman mix who thrives on chaos!

We will try to update regularily on our future journeys and weird happenings...

Meagan and Shawn